Saturday, September 21, 2013

Scientific Ways Watching Movies Affects You

     Everyone knows that different movie can affect how you feel and what you think, but not everyone knows how the affect you physically. Well i decided to find out.
There are four things that certain movies can do-
      1. Ruin your health
Now who doesn't love a good horror movie and who doesn't want to act in one. Everyone loves getting scared by one of these flicks every so often and it fun but what isn't fun about these movies is what they can do to you. Now as you know when someone s scared they have a rush of adrenaline which increases your heart rate and breathing, it could also cause an increase in blood pressure. If this happen under a false circumstance like a ghost popping out at you this response could potentially be very dangerous. A high spike in blood pressure and adrenaline could eventually lead to a heart attack for people who have cardiovascular weakness. Horror movies are also not good for people with a traumatic past because they could stir up old feelings and cause the person to relive or remember the event, same goes for sad movies. Even if you don't Have a traumatic past but you do have had depression in the past sad movies should try to be avoided, it is scientifically proven for people who have had sever depression in their past to more likely go to the depressed state after watching a tragic movie.
         2. They can improve your health
Everyone loves a comedy. Well of they happen to be your favorite kind of movies you're in luck because they are very beneficial to your health. While horror movies increase your blood pressure comedies actually help to lover it. Comedies also cause you to laugh which makes your blood vessels dilate, so when you laugh during  movie for say fifteen minutes it has the same effects on your cardiovascular system as exercising and it releases endorphins as well. Now tragic movies can also be beneficial to your health as long as you don't have a history with depression. It is proven that after watching a tragedy many people feel better about their lives and about themselves because they can think back and think 'At Least i'm not the guy in that movie'.
        3. They can make you more creative
This only happens if you are a child or have the mentality of one. But it is proven that after showing children clips of movies filled with magic and more creative substances that they did better on creative thinking tests than the kids who watched something else.
        4. They (can) cause you to be more aggressive
Now this one is a controversial subject in many houses, I know it is in  my house. Many people believe that some movies such as action and horror movies (movies with violence) cause people to become more aggressive and violent. Though a real answer to the question of if it's true or not is still up in the air a new study seemed to prove that aggression in video games and movies  is a cause for bullying in the real world, even if it is just short term. A test of 250 women who watched clips featuring aggression or bullying found that after watching the clips both parties (those who liked the videos and those who did not) where more likely to overstate and over exaggerate their thoughts on the clip and the subject.

So next time you go to pick an movie think about how your feeling and what you want to happen to your body and if you can afford for it to happen.


  1. Interesting find!...I never really thought of the physical effect movies can have on one's body (I only think about it when I'm awake all night after watching a horror movie!)

    Hm...the article didn't mention what effect romance movies have on the I"m curious.

  2. Haha I agree with Shiana!

    The first thing on the list rings too true for me. Often when I watch a sad movie, I feel like I'm returning to a traumatic past, and I need to detach myself and say "Ellen, you are fine, it's only a movie, it's not your life."

    That's why I read more non-fiction these days.
