Monday, April 28, 2014


I am currently going through a period where I cant finish any art piece I start. I will start something the out it down to let the paint dry then just never pick it u again or I get half way through my painting and stop there. It's like I getting blocked or lose my energy or interest in what I am currently trying to focus on. I'm at the point where I cant put anything down because I know that I wont pick it up again. It is honestly getting a little ridiculous and starting to affect my school life as well.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Google Glass

Now introducing a new way to ignore people, the Google Glass. Google Glass basically a  computer right on your face. It is a small chip placed on a frame similar to that of a pair of glasses with a small screen in front of one of the eyes. Glass can do a lot of cool things like take pictures and video, search the web, show weather and phone notification while being 99% hands free. Now this seems like a great idea but is it really. To me this seems more dangerous and annoying than someone texting and talking or walking/driving. At least while texting you have the ability to focus on other things but with Glass you have to put all your focus on this little screen or you cant see it. This isn't just dangerous, its also nerve racking, if this product is actually used as much as an phone than what will talking to people be like in the future. It wont be like anything, if everyone has this little device attached to their eyes and a another device in their hand  no one would talk to each other anymore and I don't know if I like the idea of everyone ignoring each other in favor of a small cold device. But hey if you want one they will be on sale for one day, April 15th, and they only cost 15 hundred dollars! BE my guest and buy one if you like but we sure as hell wont be telling me about it if you do.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Is Living in a City Better

Does living in a city really affect your life as much as everyone says? Quite frankly the answer to this question is yes, it does. Living in the city gives you a better chance of achieve your goals and gives you more opportunities. Yes, living in the suburbs is nice but if you think about it most people who live there work in the city. Cities are full of opportunities for not just jobs but education and socialization as well. Living in a city is not the ideal place for children but it is a good place to at least be near while raising them. I never lived more than an hour away from New York City and growing up this close to the city has diffidently effected me. I would probably be a completely different person person if I lived somewhere else and I would be a lot comfortable with myself.

Food For Thought: Is Technology Evolving Too Fast?

Human evolution is slowing down or moving really slow but technology evolution is actually speeding up. This time three or four years ago few people had smart phone but now I know two people who don't, even my 74 year old grandma has one. Speaking of smart phones I got the new iPhone earlier this year but now I'm hearing reports of a new one coming out in June and I've barley had this phone for six months. At the rate phones are evolving imagine how enabled they will be in a few years, hell we might not even need computers anymore. Even movie watching has evolved, A few years ago we were watching movies on tapes or crappy DVDs now we have all this blue ray DVD crap or we can even watch them online. The future is coming towards us extremely fast and I'm both excited and nervous too see what technology will bring to us next.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Creative Rut or Artistic Breakthrough

So apparently when you are in a creative rut your actually about to have a breakthrough. If this is true someone tell my brain ASAP! So according to Alan Lightman getting stuck is a great thing, it lets your mind go through all these ideas and think out of the box. I personally don't like being in a creative rut and I find it exhausting and a pain in the ass but according to science it is good to go into a rut, so I guess we should listen to it. Lightman also says that you should work towards your inspiration instead of waiting for it to hit you, now this is something I can vouch for. After hours of working on something and getting no where then you get hit with this rush of ideas and insiration is the best thing.  


Eleanor Roosevelt once said "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'" this is totally true though, you need to realize that everything will be okay and that you have done harder, scarier things or you might have to do those things in the future. Without realizing the fear and pushing through it you will never get anything done and you will be stuck in your shell forever.

One Act Plays

So for the past two weeks in STAC we were working on one act plays in small groups, 2 actors and a director. The performances were today and I think we did pretty well considering we only had two weeks to work on them and I was sick for almost half of it. Both Darren and I knew our lines and Emily was a great director.Looking back on it I do think we could have been a little less tense and looked at each other a little more. I also learned that you shouldn't worry about messing up a small line and just go with the flow. All in all I liked acting and thought it was a good experience.

Monday, April 7, 2014


So we recently started vlogging for STAC, vlogging is when you film yourself talking for a length of time. Over the past few weeks of vlogging I realized how hard it is to come up with a subject to talk about and how hard it is to not go on a long angry rant. When ever you ask someone what they think the hardest part about vlogging is they say getting in front of the camera but in reality, for me at least, that is the easiest part. Vlogging only starts to get difficult once you are in front of the camera, you start to notice little quirks and habits you have and thinking of different ideas to talk about each week is hard too. But once you get past all of the struggles with vlogging it is actually really fun, almost even therapeutic.
My Vlogs-

Saturday, April 5, 2014

College, Stop!

So as a junior in high school I am not only suppose to be surviving this dreaded year but also looking at colleges and let me be the first to say WTF! This weekend my mom thought it would be a good idea for my twin sister and I to start looking into to schools that we would like to go to and you think that looking at schools wouldn't be so bad but it is terrible.First of all college is soo expensive, all I want is an education i'm not trying to buy a house! But that's not even the worst part, the worst part is the criticism you get "oh, your looking there" "where i'm looking is so much better" "well i'm looking into Harvard". Shut up! its not a life long commitment its just a school and i'm just looking i'm not selling my soul and I can transfer if I end up not liking it. I also don't understand why we have to start college right after high school, why cant we have a break we have already been in school for 12+ years in a row, I want a break. I know by know your saying "Tristen, why son't you take a gap year?" and the reason I can't do that is because I would never get to college. I would get so excited and travel and go on adventures, I would get lost and never go back to school. That's great for some people but I actually want to go to college. But you know what looks good right now, becoming a hermit and living in my sisters basement.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Series Finale Disaster (SPOILERS)

This week I encountered one of the worst series finales I have ever seen, the How I Met Your Mother finale. After nine seasons on air the series came to a close in a one hour episode, the only one in the series actually. *spoilers start now* So after nine seasons you think that there is going to be this amazing finale where Ted meets his wife and they get married and everyone lives happily ever after, well if you think that you are wrong. Yes Ted meets his wife (Tracy) but that is one of the only good things that happened in this "spectacular". First off they give us to much information at once and the episode is too skippy, we cover 15 years in one episode and it just jumps from one thing to the other, it was so hard to follow and was just too much. Second they tear down 10 years of character development in five minutes, you cant do that, Barney has come so far and gave up almost everything to get Robin and that is gone in the matter of minutes, first they tear down their marriage that they spent the whole last season at their wedding then they just convert Barney back into how he was during season one, that's not fair to use or the character, then he is rebuilt in a second when his daughter is born from a random woman who we hear nothing about later on but that's a whole another issue, even though he is built back up he isn't the same as he was before. And my last major problem with this episode is how they used the Mother. Tracy was a lovely character and she was perfect for Ted, but then they just killed her off with no explanation. Then at the very end of the episode Ted goes running back to a now divorced single Robin, that's where the episode ended. NO! This was How I Met YOUR MOTHER not how I met your aunt Robin and is it okay that I date her again, they should not of ended it that was especially after they spent a whole episode showing Ted letting go of Robin. This whole episode was just a mess, yes there were some good and funny moments but there was just to much crap going on to focus in just the good. I can honestly say I expected more from this episode and the writers and i think they could of done better.